Arthritis is medical condition that causes inflammation of the joints that are actually the points where bones meet one another. Arthritis is a problem that can take place in any area of the body and there are almost 100 different types of arthritis including spinal arthritis that are different in their symptoms and causes and therefore require different treatment methods as well. Usually arthritis is a disease of advance age and is commonly found in people above the age of 40. However, this problem can also be found in younger men and women and even children as well as teenagers. According to a survey and study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) arthritis is a problem that is most commonly found in women as compared to men and people who are overweigh
Arthritis Contributing Factors
Arthritis is different in forms as well as types that is why the causes for different type of arthritis are different depending upon the condition. However, general contribution factors for arthritis include advancing age. Other causes include reduction in the normal amount of cartilage tissue. Osteoarthritis that is one very common type of arthritis is caused by the wear and tear of the cartilage that gets accumulated over time. Moreover, family history of arthritis also plays a role a risk factor for arthritis.
Arthritis Symptoms and Diagnosis
One of the most general arthritis symptoms is stiffness in the joints as well as pain. For example a patient suffering from spinal arthritis will suffer from arthritis spine pain that can be excruciating. Pain and stiffness in the joints followed by swelling especially in the morning is another sign. Patients suffering from arthritis usually experience loss in the range of motion followed by redness around the effected joint areas. Exhaustion, weakness, loss of appetite as well as anemia is common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Doctors usually diagnose arthritis with the help of a thorough medical checkup as well as study of symptoms. This may be followed by diagnostic imaging tests that include X-ray, MRI scan and CT scan.
Depending upon the symptoms, doctors suggest the best possible arthritis treatment option for the patient.